Flavor Profiles,  Flavors

Flavor Profile: Boston Cream Pie Macarons

Simplicity often gets denigrated and forgotten in favor of the novel and complex, particularly in a time of fast-paced technology and the addictive allure of trendy social media. And yet, we still turn to simple pleasures the most in times of need and comfort; it’s like salt: you don’t think much of it until it’s not there (and it’s an essential ingredient in many things you might not expect, like bread! Trust me, eating unsalted bread is incredibly disappointing and should probably be a criminal offense…).

Does chocolate glaze make you feel all hot too? Or is it just me…

To me, my Boston Cream Pie Macarons at Poeme are one of these simple pleasures: they’re not a complicated flavor or exotically inspired, like the sesame soy sauce macarons or the Zerbo macarons. But they’re still incredibly delicious and everyone’s favorite flavor–in the end, we all seem to come back to classic tastes (vanilla and chocolate are just made for each other!).

Boston Cream Pie is also an American staple, even though it has a rather confusing name, considering it rarely comes in “pie” form. I’ve seen a prolific amount of variations on this flavor (the classic boston cream pie donut is probably my favorite…after the macarons, of course!), and for good reason, too: it’s just plain yummy!

The main components of a Boston Cream Pie flavor are 1. Vanilla custard 2. Vanilla “cake” (or anything that can be a “layer” in a dessert) and 3. Chocolate glaze. From there, the adaptations are endless.

In my Boston Cream Pie Macarons at Poeme Macarons, I pay homage to this dessert with an elegant French touch. I start with a vanilla shell, flavored with real vanilla beans (see here why I always flavor my shells!). Once baked, the shell is covered in a luscious chocolate glaze…I swear, chocolate glaze is a universal delight and if you don’t enjoy it I might actually be concerned…

I use two fillings: a vanilla custard in the center and a fluffy swiss-meringue buttercream on the outside, speckled with vanilla bean. Many macaron shops won’t use anything beyond buttercream, jam, or ganache in their macarons, but I’ve found ways of incorporating custard into mine–it results in a uniquely creamy, decadent texture and flavor (see here for more about my flavor philosophy).

This macaron melts in your mouth; it might be simple, but it’s absolutely delicious (and addictive…I’m telling you, these things shouldn’t be legal!).

Have a sweet day everyone!