Recipe: Easy, Delicious Brigadeiro (Brazilian Chocolate Caramels)
First, I’d like to start off with some condolences for those of you currently looking at this and thinking, “What is Brigadeiro? Is my mind making up words right now? Is this what being crazy is?” Partially, because I’ve made…
Recipe: Classic French Lemon Madeleines
Even as we grow older, there’s something enticing about food that’s shaped (I may or may not still buy chocolate bunnies around Easter time…for my five-year old cousin, of course, not me…). And French Madeleines are no exception, with their…
Flavor Profile: Boston Cream Pie Macarons
Simplicity often gets denigrated and forgotten in favor of the novel and complex, particularly in a time of fast-paced technology and the addictive allure of trendy social media. And yet, we still turn to simple pleasures the most in times…
Recipe: Apple Butter Sticky Buns
Colorado has been absolutely freezing the past few weeks…the whole “300 days of sun” thing is obviously just a scheme to get Californians away from their home state and move here. But really it’s been quite frigid lately and I’ve…
Flavor Profile: Sesame Soy Sauce Macarons
Before you say it–I haven’t completely lost my mind creating a sesame-soy-sauce macaron flavor (if I did, I’d probably be in Papua New Guinea running a shop that only sells Panda stuffed animals on Tuesday evenings…don’t ask…). This macaron is…
Recipe: Butterscotch Captain Crunch “Krispies”
This is kind of embarrassing….but I’ve never actually made Rice Krispies before (I know, the betrayal…I should probably just give up my American citizenship and move to Australia…I hear it’s nice there…). I’ve seen them being made…and I’ve certainly eaten…
Flavor Profile: “Poeme” Macaron (Earl Grey and Peach)
I have a confession to make: I may be addicted to tea…a cup of steamy, hot leaf juice just really gets me going, I guess (I apologize to all the people who I offended by calling tea “leaf juice…”). It’s…
How to Flavor Macaron Shells
The Intro: Why you should flavor your shells! Before you start reading this post wide-eyed, excited, and full of macaron-baking-enthusiasm; this isn’t going to be a macaron shell recipe (don’t stop reading though! This has information that you’re unlikely to…
Musical Macarons, Part 3
After all those tempting recipes and potentially leaving your family for them, I thought I’d keep it lighter (and less dangerous for your relationships) with another music-Macaron pairing post. If you’re confused why I’m talking about family strife on a…
Flavor Profile: Orange Pistachio Macarons
Two words are all that’s needed for this flavor: pistachio praline. Again, for the people in the back: PISTACHIO PRALINE!!! If you’re confused why I’m shouting and alliterating, then let me enlighten you on what praline is: caramelized, roasted nuts,…