Musical Macarons, Part 4
This is already the penultimate musical macaron post (at least until new flavors are added to Poeme Macarons’ roster!), but don’t be too sad…it’s not the end yet 🙂 If you haven’t been following these series of musical macarons posts,…
Musical Macarons, Part 4
The music-macaron pairing extravaganza is back! If you haven’t been following the musical macarons series on this blog, I’ll give you a short rundown (also, how can you not be reading the musical macaron series on this blog??? Okay, shaming…
Musical Macarons, Part 3
After all those tempting recipes and potentially leaving your family for them, I thought I’d keep it lighter (and less dangerous for your relationships) with another music-Macaron pairing post. If you’re confused why I’m talking about family strife on a…