Flavor Profile: Sesame Soy Sauce Macarons
Before you say it–I haven’t completely lost my mind creating a sesame-soy-sauce macaron flavor (if I did, I’d probably be in Papua New Guinea running a shop that only sells Panda stuffed animals on Tuesday evenings…don’t ask…). This macaron is…
Flavor Profile: Matcha Macarons
If you’ve been on the internet for even a minute this past year, you’ve probably noticed people talking about “matcha” and it’s amazing health benefits, life-changing powers…heck, there’s probably even been something on how Matcha might be critical to the…
Recipe: Chocolate-Matcha Layer Cake “Madjarica”
So…you probably read the title thinking, “ok, ok, yeah, yeah…wait, did someone just pass out on the keyboard and this was what came out when they hit their head?” Well, folks, “Madjarica” is actually a real word–it literally translates to…